Let me just say, we've got a little miss priss on our hands!! A couple of weeks ago Anna-Kate learned how to say 'bow' and she's been demanding one ever since! One particular morning, I had three bows laying on the changing table. One I had just pulled out, intending to put in her hair, however, once she saw the other two, she said, Bow! Bow! and motioned to put it in her hair... so we ended up with 3 bows in her hair!! Here's a picture of what that looked like:
In the car on the way to Franklin, for the first time in FOUR months!! Notice the tiara...Playing with Cousin Miles- He's 4 months younger than Anna-Kate
So cute and happy!
I love her cheeks!!
We had fun with Cousin Bryant
Pretty Cousin Greer on Thanksgiving Day! She had a toy she kept teasing Anna-Kate with...
Anna-Kate saying "Hey! Give me that toy!"
Pretty Greer
Eating at the Kids "Table" like a big girl!!
I love all of their faces!
Eating her first (home cooked) Thanksgiving meal!
Anna-Kate's 2nd Annual Black Friday Shopping Spree! She woke up at 4:30 this year to go with us girls!
She HAD to carry a bag!
Driving home! Well... taking a break on our way home because little bit got stir crazy!
I love my Daddy!
Derek and I brought back so much furniture! We felt extremely blessed to finally be able to fill every room of our house! I can't wait to post pictures! We've started decorating our house for Christmas ( our school work has slowed us down a little.) I will put more pictures up VERY soon!! But for now here's a few pictures of Anna-Kate getting into the Christmas Spirit!
Practicing posing with Santa Claus
This is her new favorite place to sit!
"MOM! No more pictures, Please!"
Happy Holidays!!
what a great post nicki! it actually made me feel more in the "holiday spirit" haha. all the pictures are so cute... i especially love anna kate with the decorations! love you all and SEE you soon!
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