One thing they don't tell you in college, once you graduate there are no more breaks. I'm fine with that I guess. I like staying busy. So far so good since graduation though.
I haven't found a job in Searcy just yet but I am waiting to hear pretty soon on some applications. Nicki and I decided recently that we want to make family a greater focus. We have been so busy with school and the transition to her job in Little Rock that we feel it would be best if both of us could work in Searcy. I am still preaching for now and Nicki had been planning on leaving TLamar once she found a job here but that got sped up by recent events.
Last week, Nicki was fired from TLamar. It's a long story that isn't worth going into here but sufice to say it was no fault of her's. Either way, it doesn't change our plans so far. May have been a little bit quicker than we would've liked but God has a plan. Nicki is actually excited about doing something a little different for the sake of being closer to home. We are both hoping to hear something real soon and we will keep you posted on all the changes.
As for me, I am working but not for a paycheck. I am the Graduate Assitant at Upward Bound at Harding. UB is a program designed for high schoolers with no college background (no family memebers attended). We help them get prepared for college and work to make them more successful students. I am a receptionist most of the time, but on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I teach the Senior Enrichment class at the Summer Academy. I show the seniors what college is like by introducing them to offices and administrators around campus. I love it!!
The Glover's are changing yet again and still getting ready for our newest addition. Nicki is 21 weeks along now with our.....drumroll.......BOY!!! Yes we are having a boy. Steven Thomas Glover will be here on October 13ish. We are getting his room ready now and trying to prep Anna Kate for the shock of not being a baby anymore.
Comeback soon and check out more updates!!
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
2 days ago
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