I just had to share a story from this morning! I decided to meet Derek up at his office, so I told Anna-Kate that we were going to get ready and go see Daddy. She was so excited! I went into my closet, pulled out a pair of some black shorts (that did fit just a couple of weeks ago...) and put them on. When I pulled them up I realized that my belly was sticking out a little farther than it had been and I couldn't button my pants!! I looked at Anna-Kate who was watching me and said "Oh no! Mommy can't button her pants!" Anna-Kate ran over to me and said "I hewp, Mommy!" It was so cute and funny!
At least we know my belly is growing! Happy Monday!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I absolutely love going swimming! Last summer we got the opportunity to take Anna-Kate to the pool several times and she played in her kiddie pool a lot! She was a real water baby! We've taken Anna-Kate swimming a few times already and she's been a little scared of the water this summer!! Well today was the first time she really relaxed in the water! We had so much fun! She was jumping off the steps to me and let me hold her away from the steps! She even sat in a floatie! Derek got to play with her a little too! She even learned how to go under the water and liked it! I can't wait to take her again!
Playing with Daddy in the pool!
Big Smiles!!
On a side note: Derek had a job interview on Monday. It went really, really well! Please keep us in your prayers! We could really use some good news in the job department. It's been a little disappointing lately because we don't seem to be making very much progress. We should know by the end of next week if things worked out for Derek!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Happy (late) Daddy Day!!
I just wanted to take a minute and say Happy Father's Day to Derek! He's such a wonderful Daddy and Husband! I'm so grateful for him! I feel so blessed to be married to such a hard working and loving husband! He does so much for both of us! I know that Anna-Kate already thinks he's the greatest and I do too!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Just When I Thought I Had It All Figured Out...
God had a different plan!
Isn't that how it always goes? I'm a big planner, so I feel like I'm constantly learning that lesson. Even today I was planning out my schedule and planning what we needed to do before the baby comes! For me it's something that allows me to set goals for myself and to stay motivated. I'm constantly reminded that a plan doesn't always go how you think. I'm always grateful when I look back and see how my plans didn't work, but how God's always do. It really is one of the most amazing things to me! So, here's to a new plan!!
Derek and I are just trying to take things one day at a time. We have faith that everything will work out! In the mean time, I'm eating up the time I get to spend with Anna-Kate now!! What an amazing little girl I've been blessed with! I'm completely caught up in how perfect she is! It's such a blessing to have her joy in my life. It's what keeps me going! It's hard to believe that Anna-Kate will be 2 next month! She's talking in sentences pretty regularly and really beginning to interact with Derek and I on a competely different level. She loves to sing and dance and definately has my playful nature. She can really be a tease sometimes! We're also seeing a new side to her... the beginning of the terrible two's! I definately believe that this stage hits at a time when they're so cute and funny to help balance the stubborness and tantrums! The tantrums are just beginning for her, so for now I'm trying to keep a good humor about things... for my sanity!
Yesterday, Anna-Kate and I went to the store. On the way home she got a little anxious to play, so I started pointing at businesses and houses along our way home asking if they were our house. Anna-Kate loved it! She laughed at me and said "no mommy!!" I even had her saying "silly mommy". Finally we got to the house and she was so excited! She recognized it and squealed. Later, I had her tell Derek about it. Usually when I have Anna-Kate tell Derek about our day, she's not really in to things and I wind up telling him but last night she just took off babbling to Derek about houses and how Mommy couldn't find our house!! It was the cutest thing! Derek and I were laughing so hard! We couldn't understand everything she said but she was definately trying to tell him!! Derek asked, "Was mommy confused?" and Anna-Kate said yes!
This week Mrs. Cindy Isom was in town, so we had her do some 2-year pictures! I was pretty upset with myself for not getting 18 month pictures made- and for not even being on top of taking my own pictures! I think these pictures make up for it though! I really just wanted to play and take some more artistic shots of Anna-Kate. Photography is a hobby of mine and I love to read photographer's blogs and see what interesting and creative shots they do. I think the artistic shots are definately more my taste. So I talked with Cindy and told her that we wanted to just play and capture Anna-Kate's personality! I could not be more pleased with what Cindy was able to get!! I really think that Cindy is extremely talented! I can't wait to post more pictures from our sessions, but here's the sneak peak she's given me!!

She had to have her blankie with her!

I love this one, but not just because it's a great picture... this rocking chair was my Grandfather's and my sisters and I used to play in it!!
She's such a doll!!
I promise I will post more when I get a chance!! Cindy's the best!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Summer Break...Sort Of
One thing they don't tell you in college, once you graduate there are no more breaks. I'm fine with that I guess. I like staying busy. So far so good since graduation though.
I haven't found a job in Searcy just yet but I am waiting to hear pretty soon on some applications. Nicki and I decided recently that we want to make family a greater focus. We have been so busy with school and the transition to her job in Little Rock that we feel it would be best if both of us could work in Searcy. I am still preaching for now and Nicki had been planning on leaving TLamar once she found a job here but that got sped up by recent events.
Last week, Nicki was fired from TLamar. It's a long story that isn't worth going into here but sufice to say it was no fault of her's. Either way, it doesn't change our plans so far. May have been a little bit quicker than we would've liked but God has a plan. Nicki is actually excited about doing something a little different for the sake of being closer to home. We are both hoping to hear something real soon and we will keep you posted on all the changes.
As for me, I am working but not for a paycheck. I am the Graduate Assitant at Upward Bound at Harding. UB is a program designed for high schoolers with no college background (no family memebers attended). We help them get prepared for college and work to make them more successful students. I am a receptionist most of the time, but on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I teach the Senior Enrichment class at the Summer Academy. I show the seniors what college is like by introducing them to offices and administrators around campus. I love it!!
The Glover's are changing yet again and still getting ready for our newest addition. Nicki is 21 weeks along now with our.....drumroll.......BOY!!! Yes we are having a boy. Steven Thomas Glover will be here on October 13ish. We are getting his room ready now and trying to prep Anna Kate for the shock of not being a baby anymore.
Comeback soon and check out more updates!!
I haven't found a job in Searcy just yet but I am waiting to hear pretty soon on some applications. Nicki and I decided recently that we want to make family a greater focus. We have been so busy with school and the transition to her job in Little Rock that we feel it would be best if both of us could work in Searcy. I am still preaching for now and Nicki had been planning on leaving TLamar once she found a job here but that got sped up by recent events.
Last week, Nicki was fired from TLamar. It's a long story that isn't worth going into here but sufice to say it was no fault of her's. Either way, it doesn't change our plans so far. May have been a little bit quicker than we would've liked but God has a plan. Nicki is actually excited about doing something a little different for the sake of being closer to home. We are both hoping to hear something real soon and we will keep you posted on all the changes.
As for me, I am working but not for a paycheck. I am the Graduate Assitant at Upward Bound at Harding. UB is a program designed for high schoolers with no college background (no family memebers attended). We help them get prepared for college and work to make them more successful students. I am a receptionist most of the time, but on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I teach the Senior Enrichment class at the Summer Academy. I show the seniors what college is like by introducing them to offices and administrators around campus. I love it!!
The Glover's are changing yet again and still getting ready for our newest addition. Nicki is 21 weeks along now with our.....drumroll.......BOY!!! Yes we are having a boy. Steven Thomas Glover will be here on October 13ish. We are getting his room ready now and trying to prep Anna Kate for the shock of not being a baby anymore.
Comeback soon and check out more updates!!
Upward Bound
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