Well this is a big post but lots of changes have taken place since our last post!! We are getting closer to moving in! Our goal to be in the house is in two weeks! Hopefully we'll make it! We had a friend watch Anna-Kate and Kristen today while Derek's parents and brother helped us around the house! I'm so excited to share how much progress we've made!

It wouldn't be Derek's house without a flag on the front! Derek also hung new, larger letters on the house.

We got a new light fixture for the front porch and Derek was able to hang that up.

Derek hung up a new mailbox too!

We bought some plants to go in our flowerbeds

and some ivy to grow up the tree.

Derek planted the tulips in front of the dwarf nandinas, those are for Sara :)

New light fixture for the "back" door.

Our new puppy, Reagan, fits right in!

We got the shed doors open, so we don't have to use the side entrance anymore!

We put out our Halloween mat this week; can't wait to get our pumpkins and carve them!

New closet systems for our bedroom closet and Anna-Kate's.
We have electricity turned on!

And our telephone and internet have been hooked up, although we haven't moved our phones yet!

Thanks to a great sale at target I was able to snag a few accessories for the house

The walls in Anna-Kate's room are completely primed... don't worry this doesn't reveal what the actual color is going to look like in any way, except that it's pink!

Derek worked hard today on getting the outside of the house finished! He planted all of our plants and mulched!

Derek's dad made us some custom shelves for our pantry!

Thanks to Derek's mom the ceiling and crown moulding and one of the windows are primed!
As for me, I've learned I'm really great at delegating! :) Despite being fully over my staph infection, I am still sick! I have had a sinus infection this week, so I laid low today and didn't help out as much as I would have liked to.

Here's what the outside of the house looks like, all thanks to Derek's hard work! Can't miss the McCain/ Palin sign in our yard :) We are finished with the outside until we get fully moved in! Hopefully this week we make some improvements inside and we can start wrapping up those projects.
And of course, let's not forget Miss Anna-Cakes, who is becoming more and more like her mommy! She sleeps like me; with one leg thrown out of the covers... and wiggling and talking herself to sleep. She also has picked up a few of my bad habits. Friday Derek's mom told me that every time she got onto her, Anna-Kate would turn her head and scoff! I thought it was funny, but scary at the same time! How can my baby be getting so indignant?!! Well later, when I gave Anna-Kate a toy she had been fussing for she refused it and I was the one who scoffed! I quickly learned that she is not being indignant because she was born that way, she is just picking up things I do and repeating them! It's time I start paying more attention to the bad habits I have!

I know this is a strange shot, but I thought it was so cute that Anna-Kate loves to pet Reagan! She is so gentle with him!

Here is proof of how much she loves to eat! She ate an entire half of a grilled cheese sandwich tonight for dinner!! I don't know where she got her large appetite from though ;)