So I realized that I have not blogged about the new baby! It's so hard to take the time to think about another person when you're chasing after a 2-year old! Here's a few pictures from the first ultrasound- it put me at 9 weeks and 2 days:
He was already wiggling his little body all over the place!
I was really excited we got a 3D view of baby!!
We found out at the end of May we were having a boy! We're naming him Steven Thomas Glover and we're going to call him Thomas. Derek and I both had an Uncle Steve that passed away. So we thought it would be really special to name our first son after them. My maiden name was Thomas and I thought it would be special to continue that name as well! We're both really excited to pass these special names along to our son!
Here are a few pictures from our second ultrasound at 17 weeks and 1 day:

I've been absolutely horrible about taking pictures of my growing belly!! Honestly, I'm not that into it! There's just something about documenting yourself gaining 30 pounds and becoming increasingly similar to a whale that is not fun! :) However, I am carrying a little differently with Thomas and I've not gained too much weight yet, so I broke and had Derek take a picture of the belly! Here's the baby belly at 23 weeks and 6 days:

I really should have Derek take these pictures in the mornings when I look a little fresher!
Derek and I have nicknamed Thomas "Snoopy" because my belly resembles his profile! I'm 30Weeks along (wow!) and Thomas weighs in just over a two pounds and is about 15" long! This weekend we're getting a few maternity pictures made!
So far this pregnancy has been great! My first trimester I had to be sure that I didn't get very hungry before I ate because I would get really queasy. Luckily, that was the extent of my morning sickness! I've been so glad because with all of the hours I had to work it would have been so much more difficult if I was fighting that! I started feeling Thomas kick around 16 weeks, although there were a few times before then I thought I felt him, but wasn't sure! I didn't feel Anna-Kate until I was 20 weeks, so it's been fun feeling the differences with this pregnancy!
With Anna-Kate I loved all food! There wasn't one thing I just craved all the time! I did love lemon and lime things. I absolutely loved key lime pie, but I love it all the time! I've been craving a lot of different things with Thomas. Lots of sweets! It's a terrible habit! I'm ashamed to admit that the one thing I've craved more than anything else is coke! Not just any coke though, I want a fresh fountain coke that makes my eyes water because it's so good! Haha! I've been bribing myself with a coke if I drink enough water for the day! Luckily for me that craving has started to subside. I'm now just enjoying cooking from my new Merridees cookbook my grandmother got for me in Franklin! In the last week I've made 3 versions of snicker doodles... it was all a test of course, to make sure I got the right combination... :)
Anna-Kate picked up on the pregnancy from the start. The day after we found out she lifted her shirt and patted her belly saying, "mommy baby." We didn't worry too much about telling her or not telling her because I honestly don't think she grasps the concept. She absolutely loves babies! She'll pick up a magazine just to look for the babies in it. A few Sundays ago, we sat with a 7-month old baby boy and Anna-Kate went crazy over him! She kissed him and patted his back. She also laid down in the pew on her belly to get on his level! She wanted to share her toys and books with him too! I'm sure this won't last with her brother, but it was so cute and sweet to watch! I know this is going to be a big change to Anna-Kate! I can't believe we're going to be a family of 4 soon!!
Derek and I have been working hard on turning the guest room into a nursery! It was red and black before! I thought I would post one last belly picture which conveniently happens to be taken in the newly painted nursery! So enjoy the sneak peek!

The baby's room before...

The bump at 25 Weeks! Sorry I'm covered in paint! We had just finished up painting the walls! Now on to painting the ceiling and touching up the trim!!