Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Happy Birthday!

I celebrated my 23rd birthday on Monday. As you may remember, last year's birthday was less than exciting. Instead of cake being cut, I was. An appendectomy on one's birthday is memorable for all the wrong reasons, but this year would top all others for the best of reasons.

I simply assumed that we would have a nice dinner out with family and maybe a few cards or well wishes from others. I was wrong. Let me just say that Nicki has never been a good secret keeper. She usually gets to excited to keep it in or she just looks like there is something going on. But as we left the house Monday, she was a cool operator. We had spent most of the day Monday cleaning the house and organizing Anna-Kate's bedroom to remove some clutter. I finished mowing the lawn just in time to shower and leave for Chili's where my parents were meeting us.

I was a bit anxious cause my best friend from college, Scott, was coming into town to stay the night and he was to arrive any minute so I wanted to make sure he got to Chili's to join us. As we left, Nicki mentioned that another good friend, Alan, and his family had a gift for me so we had to swing by and see them.

When we got there, I was too irritated about us running late and not knowing where Scott was to notice the ridiculous nature of the visit. Nicki said they were back by the pool so we all walked down the back steps to the pool. When we rounded the corner I was greeted by family and friends with a surprise party. Anna-Kate even sang Happy Birthday to me!

I couldn't believe Nicki had kept such a secret and that I hadn't caught on. We had a blast at the pool and the guys came over later that night and we stayed up late enough for me to realize just how old I am.

Other than the surprise factor it was a fairly typical birthday party. But seeing friends and family take time out to plan a special celebration for me was an expression of love that was overwhelming. I'm not sure if I'm a good enough friend, son, husband, or father to deserve it...but it sure beats the hospital.


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